Junior Infants

Junior Infants


Phonic songs – useful website to practise phonic sounds – pick a letter, practise sounding it out, draw a picture that starts with that letter. Practise sounding out CVC words and making. 


Pick two tricky words (on yellow key ring) a day and put into a sentence.

Alphablocks – useful videos to practise sounds and blending

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ – useful website to access ebooks – practise sounding out words and asking questions about what is happening in the pictures.


We have just finished 2D shapes. Ask your child questions such as, what shape has 3 corners? Draw shape pictures, see what shapes they can find in their house.

Practise counting forward and backwards from 0-20. Writing the numbers will be beneficial also.

For the next two weeks we will be focusing on money. Give children different coins and allow them to sort, lots of talk about what they are worth, how they are different, adding different amounts of money together, e.g. 3c + 5c =

See link on the top right of page for the 

  • Maths 1 – p.g. 25
  • Maths 2 – p.g. 33
  • Maths 3 – 37
  • Maths 4 – 41
  • Maths 5 – 45
  • Maths 6 – 49
  • Maths 7 – 61
  • Maths 8 – 65
  • Maths 9 – 69
  • Maths 10 – 73

Numberblocks – lots of videos on numbers, focus on numbers from 1-10, adding, ordering, number formation 


Our new Aistear topic is the Supermarket! We have just finished the topic of Spring, talk about the 4 different seasons, what clothes you wear in each season, activities, weather in each season. Draw a picture of each and describe to a friend.   

Have a go at designing and making your own supermarket from recycling materials, lego, mala etc

Ask questions about the supermarket – what you might buy there, who works there, etc 


Here are some Gaeilge websites to help with practise.
